Learning to Think


There are multiple things that I have considered doing for work. I have quite a few ideas and I’ve tossed many aside. Out of the ten ideas I have a week, maybe one will be appealing to me. Periodically, I will compare and contrast these ideas to see if anything really stands out. Now that it is time to pick up the ball and run with it, I need to decide which game to play.

I plan to use the concept of the wireframe to quickly assess the viability of each idea. A wireframe gives you a loose idea of the structure and mechanics of a project without actually implementing them. They make it much easier to visualize your ideas and allow you to look for strong and weak points that you might miss without something slightly tangible. By doing a quick wireframe for each idea, I can sit down with several of them and make decisions about which ones to keep and which ones to remove.

I plan to build a wireframe for the business as a whole, not just the products and services. In order to do this, I will need to understand the basic mechanics of a business. I will need to make sure that what I produce can eventually be extended into more traditional business plan. The wireframe should give me a description of business and the product, an overview of the market, an idea of the people and resources I will need, a general idea of the day to day operations, an idea of why it might fail, and a reason to do it all.

Wireframes make great artifacts. After you do a few of them, you start to notice similarities between them. Sometimes you can take parts from one and plug them into another. It will be interesting to see how much of this process I can automate after I’ve done a few of them.